1-Dimension CTF Panel
      1D CTF Color Coding and Toggles
      2-Dimensional CTF Panel
      Defocus Map
      Quick Start
      Show/Legend Panel
  1D CTF Panel
      1-Dimension CTF Panel
  1D Plotter modes
      Quick Start
  2D CTF
      2-Dimensional CTF Panel
      2D CTF Toggles
      Quick Start
      Why 2D CTF or Defocus Map look weird sometimes?
  2D CTF Panel
      2-Dimensional CTF Panel
  2D CTF Toggles
      2D CTF Toggles
  2nd CTF
      CTF Plotter Mode
      Quick Start
  2nd passband
      Effect of Defocus
      Using Passbands
  3-Fold Astigmatism
      Using Passbands
      2-Dimensional CTF Panel
      Quick Start
      Using Passbands
      2-Dimensional CTF Panel
      2D CTF Toggles
      CTF Plotter Mode
      Show/Legend Panel
      User Interface
  Buttons, Toolbars
      User Interface
  Change Mode Button
      Change Mode Button
      User Interface
      Info Panel
      User Interface
  Closing:  Main Window
      User Interface
      Spatial Coherency
  Contains Change Mode
      Show/Legend Panel
  Contains On/Off
      Show/Legend Panel
  Contrast Transfer Function
      Lichte Defocus
      What Is CTF?
      Effect of Cs
      Envelope Functions
      Lichte Defocus
      Quick Setup
      What Is CTF?
  Cs:  Effect
      Effect of Cs
      1-Dimension CTF Panel
      2-Dimensional CTF Panel
      2D CTF Toggles
      Change Mode Button
      CTF Explorer Mode
      CTF Plotter Mode
      Defocus Map
      Effect of Defocus
      Envelope Functions
      Point Resolution
      Quick Start
      Show/Legend Panel
      Spatial Coherency
      User Interface
      Using Passbands
      What Is CTF?
      Why 2D CTF or Defocus Map look weird sometimes?
  CTF Explorer
      Change Mode Button
      CTF Explorer Mode
      CTF Plotter Mode
      Quick Start
      Show/Legend Panel
      User Interface
  CTF Explorer Mode
      Change Mode Button
      CTF Explorer Mode
      Show/Legend Panel
  CTF Explorer Overview
  CTF Explorer User Interface
      User Interface
  CTF Plot Mode
      Change Mode Button
      User Interface
  CTF Plotter Mode
      Change Mode Button
      CTF Plotter Mode
      Show/Legend Panel
      Envelope Functions
      Info Panel
      Quick Start
      What Is CTF?
      Effect of Defocus
      Quick Start
      Show/Legend Panel
      What Is CTF?
      CTF Plotter Mode
      Defocus Map
      Defocus Map Toggle
      Effect of Defocus
      Info Panel
      Lichte Defocus
      Quick Start
      Show/Legend Panel
      Using Passbands
      What Is CTF?
      Why 2D CTF or Defocus Map look weird sometimes?
  Defocus Map
      Defocus Map
      Defocus Map Toggle
      Quick Start
      Show/Legend Panel
      Why 2D CTF or Defocus Map look weird sometimes?
  Defocus Map Toggle
      Defocus Map Toggle
  Defocus vs
      Defocus Map
      Quick Start
  Defocus vs:  Scherzer
      Quick Start
  Directly Interpretable Resolution
      Point Resolution
      2D CTF Toggles
  Dumping Envelopes
      2D CTF Toggles
      Show/Legend Panel
      Effect of Cs
      Effect of Defocus
      Effect of High Voltage
      Envelope Functions
      Spatial Coherency
      What Is CTF?
      Why 2D CTF or Defocus Map look weird sometimes?
  Effect:  Cs
      Effect of Cs
  Effect:  High Voltage
      Effect of High Voltage
  Enter keyboard-button
  Enter keyboard-button:  hit
  Envelope Functions
      1-Dimension CTF Panel
      Envelope Functions
      What Is CTF?
  Explorer Mode
      Change Mode Button
  Extended Scherzer
      Effect of Defocus
      Info Panel
      Quick Start
  Fast Oscillations
      Fast Oscillations
      Information Limit
      Spatial Coherency
  FEG:  limit
      Information Limit
      Spatial Coherency
  Frequency vs
      Defocus Map
      Quick Start
  Hit:  Enter keyboard-button
      Quick Start
  Including:  Theoretical
      Quick Start
  Info Panel
      Info Panel
  Information Limit
      Information Limit
      Spatial Coherency
  Keeps 2D CTF
      2D CTF Toggles
      Information Limit
      Spatial Coherency
  Lichte Defocus
      Lichte Defocus
      Information Limit
      Point Resolution
  Limit:  FEG
      Information Limit
  Low-magnification high-resolution
      Spatial Coherency
      Spatial Coherency
  Main Window
      User Interface
  Main Window:  Closing
      User Interface
  Menu Items
      Quick Start
      User Interface
  Microscope Manufacturer/Name
      Info Panel
      1-Dimension CTF Panel
      Change Mode Button
      CTF Explorer Mode
      CTF Plotter Mode
      Quick Start
      Show/Legend Panel
      User Interface
      2D CTF Toggles
      Defocus Map Toggle
      Quick Start
  Option Toolbar
      Options Dialog
      Quick Start
      Using Passbands
      Using Passbands
      What Is CTF?
  Plot Mode
      Change Mode Button
  Plotter Mode
      Change Mode Button
      Effect of Cs
      Effect of High Voltage
      Envelope Functions
      Information Limit
      Point Resolution
      What Is CTF?
  Point Resolution
      Effect of Cs
      Effect of High Voltage
      Information Limit
      Point Resolution
      Info Panel
      Point Resolution
      Info Panel
      Quick Setup
      Quick Start
  Quick Start
      Quick Start
  Run ctfexplorer.exe
      Quick Start
      Quick Setup
      Quick Start
      Select Microscope
  Save Toolbar
  Saves 1D CTF
  Saves 2D CTF
  Saves Defocus Map
      Effect of Defocus
      Info Panel
      Information Limit
      Point Resolution
      Spatial Coherency
  Scherzer:  Defocus
      Info Panel
      Quick Setup
      Quick Start
  Show Toggle
      2D CTF Toggles
      User Interface
  Show/Hide:  Allows
      2D CTF Toggles
  Show/Legend Panel
      2D CTF Toggles
      Show/Legend Panel
      User Interface
  Shows 1-Dimensional CTF
      1-Dimension CTF Panel
  Shows 2-Dimensional CTF
      2-Dimensional CTF Panel
  Shows Current
      Info Panel
  Shows Defocus Map
      Defocus Map
  Shows Theoretical
      Info Panel
  Shows/Hides 2D CTF Panel
      2D CTF Toggles
  Shows/Hides Defocus Map Panel
      Defocus Map Toggle
  Spatial Coherency
      Envelope Functions
      Spatial Coherency
      What Is CTF?
      Quick Start
  Status/Information Panel
      Quick Start
      Quick Start
  Theoretical/Current Resolution
      Info Panel
  Theoretical/Current Resolution:  including
      Quick Start
      Information Limit
      Change Mode Button
      Quick Start
      Show/Legend Panel
      User Interface
  Tool/Legend Bar
      Quick Start
      User Interface
      Spatial Coherency
      Using Passbands
  Use clickable
      Show/Legend Panel
  Use Quick Set-up
      Quick Start
  Use Select Microscope
      Quick Start
  User Interface
      CTF Explorer Mode
      CTF Plotter Mode
      User Interface
  User Interface Options
      User Interface
  Using Passbands
      Using Passbands
      Change Mode Button
      Info Window
      Quick Start
      User Interface
  View Menu item
      Change Mode Button
      Info Window
      Quick Start
      User Interface